Developed over five years of clinical research into the treatment of snoring, the AVEOtsd was created by dental sleep medicine specialist Dr Chris Roberston.
Prior to the AVEOtsd the only devices on the market were mandibular splints, which advanced the jaw by clamping on the teeth and holding them forward. The problem with these devices as they were expensive and needed specialist fitting. Later studies have also shown that these devices have a permanent effect on the users bite if used long term.
Chris had a goal to create a simple and inexpensive device that extend the tongue forward during sleep, preventing the tongue from blocking the airway during sleep. Years of research and development lead to the original version of the AVEOtsd which in the 90's were all hand made.
Today we utilise the latest in silicone die injection moulding technology to mould the Dow Corning Medical grade silicone into AVEOtsd, this ensures a great fit and longevity of the device.
The AVEOtsd has been on sale since 1999 and since we have helped hundreds of thousands get a better nights sleep - not to mention the countless marriages we have saved in the process.
AVEOtsd is FDA approved, TGA registered, sold in almost every pharmacy in New Zealand and is recommended by most General Practitioners as a solution to problem snoring.
We offer a 60 Day money back guarantee - so you can try the AVEOtsd risk free

Snore... No More!
Now the answer to snoring is on the tip of your tongue!
Stop Snoring Today! Buy Now